B12 Injections

Did you know that Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is also called the “energy vitamin”?

This nutrient:

  • Supports healthy weight loss.
  • Increases energy levels and improve metabolism.
  • Corrects nutritional deficiencies.
  • Optimises homocysteine levels and reduce stroke risk


It’s considered the most versatile of all vitamins due to its vast range of abilities, including influencing fundamental nerve functions, processing carbs and fats, forming red blood cells, and producing DNA. Vitamin B12 has positive effects on both body and mind.

Naturally, B12 deficiency can lead to many health-related issues, the most common being weight gain. Vitamin B12 is used to catalyze weight loss, so being B12 deficient can affect your fitness and health goals. The body cannot produce vitamin B12 on its own, so you need to keep your Vitamin B12 consumption on track through food and supplements or you can get Vitamin B12 Injections.

    Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, i.e., once it is dissolved in water, it can be absorbed by the tissues easily. None of the types of vitamin B, including thiamine (Vitamin B1), pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), niacin (Vitamin B3), and folic acid (Vitamin B9), can be stored by the body.

    Folic acid helps your body produce and maintain new cells especially good for people who have diagnosed anemia, and also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer.

    You can see you must make a conscious effort to keep all Vitamin B levels within a healthy range consistently in order to avoid any long-term illness.

    Vitamin B and other water-soluble vitamins need to be distinguished from fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin E and Vitamin D, which can be stored in the liver as a reserve. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by fat globules while travelling through the small intestine and then circulated to the entire body through the bloodstream.

    Your body might not be absorbing the vitamin at a steady rate when you are taking supplements, and that’s where a Vitamin B12 shot can help accelerate the process. As B12 tablets do not absorb fast, if you are facing Vitamin B12 deficiency, it may be a good idea to discuss the viability of B12 shots with your health care practitioner or a naturopathic doctor who can provide Vitamin B12 injection treatment plans in Toronto.

    When a B12 injection is administered to you, you can expect the following main benefit: Restoration of vitamin B12 in the cells, which leads to acceleration of B12 levels for circulation in critical organs. These can lead to positive changes such as higher energy levels, sharper focus, and heightened stamina.

    Depending on your health status, a single shot of Vitamin B12 can also contribute to the maintenance of your nervous system.

    As with any administered injectable or drugs, there are concerns about whether you require a prescription and whether the OHIP covers it. In Ontario, Vitamin B12 injections are not covered by OHIP. You can, however, select an extended insurance plan that covers the injection plus the appointment fees and specialized treatment costs related to vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Vitamin B12 injections are prescription medications, and you can buy them at pharmacies near you, provided you get a prescription to show to them. If it is not commonly available in your area, and you are a regular shopper at drug marts, you can ask them to source it for you.

    It’s best to follow your health practitioner’s or naturopathic doctor’s instructions regarding the usage of these injections.

    Schedule a Call Now!

    Figuring the intricacies surrounding Vitamin B12 injections might seem overwhelming. This introductory guide will help you recognize that it might be time to contact a medical professional if you are facing symptoms that indicate a B12 deficiency. With most of the preliminary details mentioned here, you are now more informed and can be more involved in the treatment process by asking the right questions.

    Vitamin B12 is one of the most crucial nutrients that our body processes. Not having enough of it or not knowing that your body cannot process Vitamin B12 may lead to long-lasting detrimental effects. Take the first step to addressing potential Vitamin B12 deficiencies to build a healthy version of you by scheduling a consultation or initial patient visit!

    How Do B12 Injections Work?

    Once you inject Vitamin B12 into your bloodstream, it converts the food you ingest into glucose so that the body can process it to produce energy. This energy powers your body through your daily activities, regulates stress hormones, and balances the immune system and nervous system.

    B12 injections skip the digestive system as they enter the bloodstream directly. This makes B12 injections the most absorbent form of the vitamin. Usually, a patient notices an increase in stamina within a couple of days of the first injection. That is also when your health practitioner will know if this route is viable for you or not.

    B12 injections are administered like any other injection, typically in the thickest part of the upper arm muscles.

    B12 injections are safe insofar as even if you face a side effect, your body will automatically eliminate the vitamin via urine. The health practitioner will prescribe the injection, usually monthly or bi-monthly, so keeping track of the injection schedule is not hard.

    Post-injection care is also straightforward. You can return to your usual activities right after receiving the injection.

    A pharmacist or health practitioner is authorized to administer the first dose of the B12 injections in Ontario, for the purpose of education and demonstration. You can self-administer the injection as well after that.

    Usually, one B12 injection plus visit charges can cost anywhere between $50-$80. Our team is licensed to administer the B12 injection so that you don’t have to do it yourself. With lower-income groups in mind, our B12 injection is priced at 15 dollars.

    It’s worth noting that the B12 dosage that is suitable for you depends on various factors, including age, gender, and general health history. If you are using an injection, you need to follow the schedule decided by your healthcare practitioner. Adults (19-64 years) are usually recommended to consume about 1.5 micrograms a day or more if they are not getting sufficient B12 from their diets.


    Helps Overcome Fatigue

    Fatigue is a common symptom of B12 deficiency.  While there are many reasons why someone could feel fatigued, B12 is a part of the picture and correcting the deficiency can greatly improve energy levels. While naturopathic doctors wouldn’t prescribe B12 for most people without a lab-confirmed deficiency, studies show that B12 injections may improve endurance in athletes. It is essential to first pinpoint the root causes of fatigue before jumping to the conclusion that you need B12 injections. Inadequacy of macro-nutrients is just one cause of fatigue, and pumping yourself with Vitamin B12 shots will not help if the root cause is unrelated to B12 deficiency.


    Aids in Weight Loss

    Vitamin B12 facilitates the conversion of fats that we consume through our diet into energy. Its involvement in the fat metabolism process has prompted researchers to study the effects of B12 deficiency on obesity. Several studies have linked B12 deficiency to obesity and a review concluded that B12 deficiency could also lead to a higher percentage of fat accumulation. A study conducted on pregnant mice, the species with a very similar biological and behavioral makeup to humans, also found that B12 deficiency led to high cholesterol levels and a significant increase in body fat percentage in pregnant mice.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is B12, and why is it important?

    Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for various bodily functions, including nerve function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell formation. It plays a crucial role in maintaining energy levels, supporting cognitive function, and promoting overall well-being.

    2. Who may benefit from B12 injections?

    Individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency or conditions that impair B12 absorption, such as pernicious anemia, gastrointestinal disorders (e.g., Crohn’s disease, celiac disease), or those following a vegan or vegetarian diet lacking in B12-rich foods, may benefit from B12 injections. Additionally, people experiencing symptoms of B12 deficiency, such as fatigue, weakness, numbness or tingling in the extremities, and cognitive impairments, may also benefit from supplementation.

    3. How are B12 injections administered?

    B12 injections are typically administered intramuscularly (IM) into the deltoid muscle of the arm or the gluteal muscle of the buttock. The injection site is cleaned with an alcohol swab, and the B12 solution is injected using a sterile syringe and needle.

    4. What are the potential benefits of B12 injections?

    B12 injections can help correct vitamin B12 deficiency and alleviate associated symptoms, such as fatigue, weakness, and neurological impairments. They may also support energy metabolism, enhance cognitive function, and improve mood and overall well-being.

    5. How often are B12 injections administered?

    The frequency of B12 injections depends on individual factors such as the severity of deficiency, underlying health conditions, and healthcare provider recommendations. Initially, B12 injections may be administered more frequently to rapidly replenish depleted stores, followed by maintenance injections at regular intervals to sustain optimal B12 levels.

    6. Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with B12 injections?

    B12 injections are generally considered safe when administered by a qualified healthcare professional. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as pain, swelling, or redness at the injection site. Rarely, allergic reactions or adverse effects related to the injection technique may occur. It’s essential to follow proper injection procedures and seek medical advice if experiencing any concerning symptoms.

    7. Can B12 injections be self-administered at home?

    While B12 injections can be self-administered at home by individuals who have received proper training and instruction from a healthcare provider, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before doing so. They can provide guidance on proper injection technique, dosage, and safety precautions to minimize risks and ensure effective supplementation.

    8. How long does it take to feel the effects of B12 injections?

    The timeline for experiencing the effects of B12 injections varies from person to person and depends on factors such as the severity of deficiency, individual response to treatment, and adherence to recommended supplementation protocols. Some individuals may notice improvements in energy levels and symptoms within days to weeks after starting B12 injections, while others may require more time to experience noticeable benefits.

    9. Can B12 injections interact with medications or other supplements?

    B12 injections are generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with minimal risk of interactions with medications or other supplements. However, it’s essential to inform your healthcare provider about any medications, supplements, or underlying health conditions before starting B12 injections to ensure safe and effective supplementation.

    10. Are there alternatives to B12 injections for addressing vitamin B12 deficiency?

    In addition to B12 injections, oral B12 supplements (such as tablets, capsules, or sublingual formulations) and B12-fortified foods may be used to address vitamin B12 deficiency. However, individuals with absorption issues or severe deficiencies may benefit more from B12 injections due to their rapid and direct delivery of the vitamin into the bloodstream. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the most appropriate treatment approach based on individual needs and circumstances.