A Guide to Food Sensitivity Testing

Many of us are concerned that the food we are eating may be affecting our digestive health. Every day there seems to be a breaking news story about a food that could be making you sick. 


While this is not only confusing, it could encourage you to make the wrong decisions about what you eat. By testing for intolerances to foods such as gluten and lactose we can help you find out if there are certain foods you should avoid and help you improve your digestive health.


Food Sensitivity Testing can be useful in relation to the concerns:


  • Celiac Disease
  • Lactose Intolerance


Food Sensitivity Testing


We have known for a long time that certain foods can have a profound effect on our health. At the extreme end there are food allergies, which can bring on severe reactions and even death. But people can also have an intolerance to certain foods. While not life-threatening – these foods can bring on a wide range of unpleasant symptoms such as 


  • respiratory or gastrointestinal disorders
  • migraines
  • headaches 
  • dermatological problems such as eczema


The good news is that dietary management, based on identifying food intolerance, is associated with significant and rapid improvement in symptoms for almost 80% of people. But it’s often difficult to pinpoint the offending food as symptoms are often delayed and can appear up to three days after eating the food.


What is an IgG Food Sensitivity Test?

The IgG Food Sensitivity test or food intolerance test measures levels of IgG antibodies to over 220 different foods in your blood. Antibodies are highly specialized proteins that bind to specific antigens. All foods have antigen molecules on them, and sometimes these food antigens can trigger the production of antibodies. 


Who Should Get Tested?

You can develop a food sensitivity or intolerance at any age. Because IgG food reactions take hours or days to develop, this makes it difficult to determine which food is responsible for the reaction without doing testing. You should speak with your healthcare provider if you have the following on going symptoms:

  • Systemic: Fever, fatigue, chills, sweating and feeling weak, puffiness.
  • Skin: Itching, redness, swelling, and rashes.
  • Brain: Mood and memory disturbances, behavioral problems.
  • Lungs: Food-induced bronchitis and asthma symptoms.
  • Musculoskeletal: Joint pain, muscle stiffness and swelling.
  • Digestive tract: Nausea & vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, and bloating

Dr Priyanka Gupta, ND – Food Sensitivity Testing

Dr. Priyanka Gupta, ND offers food sensitivity testing as well as GI map testing. After obtaining a requisition for blood work, you will be asked to go to your nearest LifeLabs for blood draw. The blood will then send your blood sample for testing to uncover if you sensitivities to a number of common foods. After receiving the results, you will be asked to come in to discuss the results and strategize an elimination plan for your healing. You will also be given individualized nutrient treatments as well as possibly other treatments such as IV vitamin therapy, detoxification and diet + nutritional counseling. Book your appointment today 416-604-0000 or hello@westendwomenshealth.ca